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Getting Started

The default setup for the atmega32u4 breakout board is ready to use in bare-metal projects and we highly recommend you use our avr-cmake-template as it handles a lot of the project setup and tooling for you. You can find the docs that walk through the template and explain how to customize and use it here. The default configuration is setup for the atmega32u4 so no changes are necessary to get started other than adding your source code. The template provides two methods for reflashing the board - either using avrdude and an ISP programmer or you can use the USB DFU bootloader to reflash over a single USB cable. For more information on how to get the board into the USB bootloader and ready to accept new images - checkout this guide


It is an option to purchase the atmega32u4 breakout board pre-loaded with the Arduino Micro bootloader so you can get up and running right away in the Arduino IDE!

Next steps

If you're looking for more information on how to switch between the USB DFU and Arduino bootloaders then check out the Advanced Guides.