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The AVR & CMake Template is great for getting up and going fast when building AVR based firmware using VScode, CMake and the AVR toolchain. Not only does this template provides you with the ability to build and flash AVR based firmware, it also provides unit testing capabilites via Ceedling and CI/CD support using Github Workflows.


The template can be found on Github in the avr-cmake-template repository

Tools Setup

There are a handful of tools needed to use this template. Several are required such as the AVR toolchains and tools like the Ceedling unit testing framework are not necessarily required. We will outline the install of the required and nice to have tools in seperate steps.


At a minium we need to install the following tools to compile AVR executable artifacts. This template is tested at the latest version of each tool and YMMV when using older versions.

Execute these install steps for your respective OS.

sudo apt install avr-gcc avr-libc make cmake

Nice to have

A handful of nice to have tools can be added to give the ability to flash a microcontroller via a standard prog interface or USB DFU, execute unit-tests against the end users application, and integrate CI/CD via Github workflows.

  • avrdude: Program your AVR chip via JTAG, SPI, debugWIRE, PDI, etc
  • dfu-programmer: Program your AVR chip using a built-in USB DFU bootloader
  • Ruby: Needed to install and execute the ceedling gem for Unit Testing
  • Ceedling: Unit testing framework consisting of Unity & CMock
  • Python: Needed to install the gcovr package
  • gcovr: Generate pretty and useful to use HTML based reports of your unit testing coverage and results

Execute these install steps for your respective OS.

sudo apt install avrdude ruby
sudo gem install ceedling
python -m pip install gcovr
  • Download dfu-programmer from the .tar.gz provided in the Releases section. Once extracted add it to your PATH env. variable. For more information on adding an app to your path, check out this blog post

With the required tools installed you're ready to start editing the CMake project to be specific to your application/microcontroller!

CMake Project Configuration

The template comes with a CMakeLists.txt file already filled out but the user should edit these variables as necessary for their project. Within the CMake file there is a comment header at the beginning and ending of the variables you are to edit. Do not edit anything outside of the headers as you could break the template.

# Set our project and CPU specific flags, options, definitions and Linker Settings


# End of project and CPU specific items - DO NOT EDIT ANYTING BELOW THIS POINT

A list and description of these variables you should update are below.

  • PRODUCT_NAME: This will be the name of the final executable e.g. PRODUCT_NAME.hex
  • MCU: This is the part number of the AVR MCU you are using. The compiler expects a certain string for each part. Consult this list of AVR options to ensure you use the correct PN#
  • PROG_TYPE: This specifies the programmer type you intend to use if programming via JTAG, ISP, PDI etc. Available programmers/strings can be found executing avrdude -c help from the command line (This assumes you have installed avrdude on your machine).
  • COMPILE_OPTIONS: These are a list of the compiler options you wish to use. Most applications the default compiler options can be left as is, however the user may need to add or remove options as needed. You can also use the compiler options to add definitions via the -D flag. Note that the -DF_CPU flag has been set and should be updated to your MCUs core clock frequency.
  • LINKER_FLAGS: Here you can add or remove any additional linker flags needed for your application
  • LINKER_STATIC_LIBRARIES: If you are integrating any static libraries (*.a) from a vendor or other developer, you can specify them here so your final application will be linked against them.
  • *_FUSE_VAL : The AVR Fuse Calculator is a great resource for determining what your fuse values should be for a given application.
    • LOW_FUSE_VAL: Value you would like to write into the LOW fuse
    • HIGH_FUSE_VAL: Value you would like to write into the HIGH fuse
    • EXTENDED_FUSE_VAL: Value you would like to write into the EXTENDED fuse
  • APP_SRC: Here you would specify a list of your applications source and board files
  • INCLUDE_DIRS: This is a list of directories you wish to include into the compiler and linker search paths
  • CMAKE_SUBDIRS: If you have any dependency projects that are CMake based and you would like to include them into your build, you would specify a path to their location here.
  • VENDOR_SRC: These are application source files you wish to compile directly into your app that may be provided from a third-party such a an SDK from a manufacturer or a useful helper library from an open-source project.

Adding new source files via Ceedling

Using the Ceedling tool to add new source files will not only add a new source file to the src/ folder but it will also add a new unit-test source file within the test/ folder. To add a new source and unit-test file execute the following (Don't include a .c or .h in the filename)

Linux Users

The ceedling gem does not work well when used with the zsh interpreter. Instead try executing bash before adding new source via ceedling.

ceedling module:create[FILENAME]

Once the new source & unit-test file is created, don't forget to add the newly created src/*.c file to the APP_SRC variable in CMakeLists.txt

Initial Build Setup

After a fresh clone of your project the setup script can be used to initialize the CMake build directory


Compiling, Flashing & Testing

Once a build/ directory has been initialized the following make commands can be run from the build/ folder


To clean the build directory and compile a fresh build:

make clean

To compile the source:

make -j8


To erase the connected target:

make erase

To flash the connected target:

make flash


To write the fuses:

make write_fuses

To read the fuses:

make read_fuses


To execute unit tests:

make test

Continuous Integration/Deployment

The template takes advantage of the Github Workflows capability and will continuously build and execute unit-tests against your firmware when pushed to a Github repository. To utilize these workflows a certain developers strategy must be followed. All development should be done out of a develop branch. New features/branches should be made from this branch and then merged back upon completion. When the developer is ready to create an official release, they would initiate a PR from the develop branch into the main branch. This gives a clear seperation between what is released and under active development. That being said, there are two integration used in this process and the configuration can be found within the .github/workflows/ folder.

  • ci.yml: The continuous integration (ci) config will build the application firmware and execute unit-tests on every pull-request into a branch named develop or main.
  • release.yml: The release integration will not only build and test the firmware but it will also tag the git commit with a tag matching the version found in src/version.h and create a Github Release with the final binaries, source code and unit-test results attached to it. This integration is triggered on every commit to the main branch.
Next steps

With your project set up you're ready to start developing! If you have a fresh/empty board or one with the Arduino bootloader loaded checkout this Advanced guide on flashing the DFU bootloader - the DFU bootloader makes it quick and easy to flash your bare-metal applications using a single USB cable and the DFU make commands.