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2 posts tagged with "introduction"

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· One min read

After a prolonged hiatus, we're excited to be back writing blog posts again! A lot has changed since our last post, including name! We've rebranded from greatlakes dev to everyday⚡dev! We believe this new name aligns with how we feel: engineering isn't just a job - it's our passion. We thrive on the joy of creating innovative solutions day in and day out. We know a lot of folks can sympathize with this feeling and we hope to build a community around this.

So what's next?

Our mission is to share knowledge and help others grow in their personal and professional embedded journeys. In pursuit of our mission, we plan to post content on a more regular basis, including deep dives for embedded concepts and creating more open source hardware and firmware projects. Stay up to date by following the blog for updates.

Want to jump in?

Check out our ⚡DEV101 series now.

· One min read

Hi there 👋 my name is Stephen and I'm the creator and maintainer of everyday⚡dev - A collection of projects and products all containing FOSS and OSHW. The goal is to provide cool and useful tools, gadgets and software to you for free to build on your own.